More education needed about dangers of pornography after study finds men who gawk are more likely to assault

More education about the dangers of pornography is needed after a new study found that men who frequently stare at women are more likely to display tendencies that lead to sexual assault, according to south-west news service Waratah. The study, by psychology researcher Ross Hollett of Edith Cowan University, examined the male gaze and its … Read more

New study shows Long Covid cost Australian economy $9.6 billion in 2022

Australian workers living with Long Covid cost the economy nearly $10 billion at the peak of the pandemic in 2022, new research shows. A study published in the Medical Journal of Australia found that in 2022, approximately 100 million hours of work were lost by workers suffering the effects of Long Covid.

DWER study shows dust levels near Alcoa's Pinjarra refinery do not pose a health risk

A delayed government report on airborne dust levels in the area near the Alcoa refinery in Pinjarra has finally been released. It says the dust does not pose a threat to public health, but the potential impact on the town will be monitored more closely. The Department of Water and Environmental Protection released the results … Read more