Shark attack on Trigg: On July 17, Ryan Lowther was attacked by a grey nurse shark on Trigg Beach

The shark that bit a man at Trigg Beach last month has been identified as a nurse shark – a species not necessarily known for biting humans. The attack occurred on July 17. The man who was bitten by the shark, Ryan Lowther, described the bite at the time as “a razor cut on his … Read more

The Ridgley family is working to rebuild Shark Bay's marine ecosystem after the 2011 heatwave destroyed the seagrass meadows

A family-run charter operator has set itself the task of restoring the world's largest seagrass meadow in Shark Bay after a marine heatwave had a devastating impact on the ecosystem. The Shark Bay World Heritage Site is home to 12 of the world's 60 seagrass species and is home to the largest seagrass meadow in … Read more