Fatima Payman: Independent senator does not rule out founding her own political party

Independent Senator Fatima Payman is not ruling out forming her own political party as she consults with her new chief of staff, Glenn Druery, on how best to spend the remainder of her four-year term in the Senate. The Western Australian senator, who left the Labor Party in July after switching parties to publicly take … Read more

National Party leader David Littleproud claims Peter Dutton's political opponents are trying to portray him as a racist.

David Littleproud has vigorously defended his coalition partner Peter Dutton, claiming the Liberal Party leader is being wrongly portrayed as a racist for calling for a temporary ban on entry to people from war-torn Gaza. “They are trying to portray him as a racist and that is abhorrent, absolutely abhorrent,” Littleproud said in a speech … Read more