Romanian police search Andrew Tate's house as part of new investigation

Masked police officers in Romania have once again raided the home of controversial internet influencer Andrew Tate. The man is awaiting trial for human trafficking, rape and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women. Romania's anti-organized crime agency DIICOT searched four houses in Bucharest and the nearby Ilfov county on Wednesday, investigating allegations of … Read more

Almost 300 ghost colleges were closed or given the yellow card as part of the measures against vocational training

As part of the government's crackdown on vocational training institutions that offer visas to foreign students but no training, nearly 300 so-called ghost colleges have been closed or warned. The Australian Skills Quality Authority has cancelled the registration of around 150 vocational training providers who could not prove that they had trained anyone in the … Read more

Sex offenders will be forced to hand over passwords and codes to the police as part of strict surveillance measures

As part of a major reform designed to bring WA's community protection laws into the 21st century, sex offenders will be forced to provide police with passwords and codes for their digital devices and apps. Amid a wave of technological changes that allow for the secrecy of stored data, Police Minister Paul Papalia on Wednesday … Read more