Immerse yourself for a good cause: The Cold Nips Australian Tour travels to Kununurra and Broome to raise funds for mental health

They cooled off in Cairns, waded in Wollongong and even took a sunrise plunge in Port Augusta. Now Kimberley is the final stop on the Cold Nips Australian Tour, which aims to join thousands of other water lovers in completing 100 sunrise dives over 100 days to raise $1 million for mental health.

Two men arrested after police chase in Kununurra that ended in T-bone crash

Police say a stolen vehicle drove so dangerously through an East Kimberley town that they had to perform a side impact for fear someone might be injured. Lee Jimmy, 20, of Kununurra, faces six charges, including reckless driving to elude police pursuit and endangering the life, health or safety of a person in connection with … Read more

Horizon Power gives all customers in Kununurra and Fitzroy Crossing the green light to switch to solar power on their roofs

Thanks to a major network upgrade, residents of Kununurra and Fitzroy can now install solar panels on their roofs and save on electricity costs. The grid connection is possible without endangering the electricity grid.