The Zorzi building in Dalkeith has been named Perth House of the Year at the Housing Industry Association awards

An elegant Dalkeith home by bespoke builder Zorzi has been named Perth Home of the Year at the Housing Industry Association's prestigious awards. More than 700 of Washington's leading home builders, designers and manufacturers attended the event Saturday to recognize the best in the industry.

Morrissey Homestead is hosting anniversary celebrations to mark 40 years in the industry

Morrissey Homestead, a stalwart of Bunbury's disability and aged care sector, is celebrating 40 years in the sector. The organization hosted a 40th anniversary party Tuesday at its Davenport center, inviting current clients and volunteers to celebrate along with former employees.

Defense Industry Minister Matt Keogh announces the signing of a contract for 550 accommodation units for defense personnel ahead of AUKUS

The mammoth task of building hundreds of houses for AUKUS defense personnel in just a few years took a major step forward. Federal Defense Industry Minister Matt Keogh announced on Friday that three contracts had been signed between Defense Housing Australia and a number of developers in Western Australia for the delivery of 550 rental … Read more

Nature Positive Laws: Gas industry warns of shortages if Greens' plans to ban new projects are implemented

If the Greens have their way, WA will run out of gas by the middle of the next decade, disrupting the state's main electricity supply to homes and industry. The Greens want to freeze all new coal, oil and gas projects and the associated infrastructure, citing scientific studies that show that fossil fuels must remain … Read more

New plan to promote craft beer industry in Southern Forests and across the state

Western Australia's first beer industry development strategy has been announced, with the aim of tripling production, creating jobs and enhancing the 'beerfield to beer' tourism experience. The Western Australian Craft Beer Strategy brings together all aspects of the craft beer supply chain to create a unified and sustainable industry while increasing jobs across Western Australia.