The biggest revelations in the spectacular libel trial against Brittany Higgins and Senator Linda Reynolds

If the Canberra bubble bursts, the mud will stick and there will be hardly any place to hide. During a five-week, spectacular defamation trial between Senator Linda Reynolds and her former employee Brittany Higgins, all private text messages and emails between federal ministers, senators, employees, journalists in the press gallery and lawyers were made public.

Phone messages contradict Higgins’ claims, the court said

In a defamation case, it was established that Brittany Higgins received therapy within days of her alleged rape in Parliament House. Contrary to her own statements to the media, therapy was not available for months. Ms Higgins is at loggerheads with her former boss, Senator Linda Reynolds, over a series of social media posts that … Read more

Reynolds ‘brought to his knees’ by Higgins saga: Ruston

Relentless political attacks over Brittany Higgins' rape cover-up allegations have brought Linda Reynolds to her knees, and she is struggling to recover, her senator Anne Ruston said in a defamation trial. Senator Reynolds is suing her former staffer Ms Higgins – who is fighting the suit – over a series of social media posts that … Read more

Former Prime Minister Scott Morrison is set to testify in Brittany Higgins’ libel trial.

Former Prime Minister Scott Morrison is expected to testify in the spectacular defamation trial between Senators Linda Reynolds and Brittany Higgins. Senator Reynolds is suing Ms Higgins and her husband David Sharaz in the Supreme Court of Western Australia over posts the couple shared in 2022 and 2023 criticising Ms Reynolds' handling of Ms Higgins' … Read more