Herd on the patio: Lake Karrinyup Country Club ladies say 'let's eat cake' after mocking black tie bake sale

You could almost set your watch by it. Every few years, an outbreak of gender wars disrupts the complacent peace around the lush fairways of the Lake Karrinyup Country Club. And so it happened on Monday evening this week, when members' email inboxes lit up with a message about an incoming ballistic missile from an … Read more

Herd on the terrace: MinRes crackers go as Chris Ellison's deputies try to keep costs and waistlines in check

It was a tough week for the people at the magnificent headquarters of Mineral Resources by Chris Ellison. Not only do they have to deal with the news that up to 100 people will lose their jobs, but also that their endless supply of cookies will be cut as Ellison's deputies try to cut costs.