Young children face new prison sentences under controversial laws

Children as young as 10 could face a prison sentence as the Northern Territory Parliament passed controversial legislation to lower the age of criminal responsibility. After the territory recently became the first jurisdiction in Australia to raise the age to 12, the new government moved quickly to bring it back to 10.

Race management investigates after Tom Percy KC complains of foul over racing tactics in controversial finish in Broome

Stewards have questioned two jockeys and adjourned an inquiry after a Broome winner's betting failed on Tuesday and angry racecourse owner Tom Percy KC complained about racing tactics. A betting analyst will be brought in to review all bets for the race, while race officials will thoroughly review the racing history of hotly contested leader … Read more

Controversial property developer Nicheliving sells building plots in fight against deregistration

Troubled developer Nicheliving is forced to sell dozens of plots of land and properties in various stages of development after losing its construction license. However, real estate agents admit that it is difficult to sell its properties in this market. Nicheliving has listed around 80 plots of land and properties in various stages of development … Read more

Former CMFEU boss John Setka gets a new tattoo that reaffirms his loyalty to the controversial union

Former CMFEU boss John Setka has gotten a tattoo to prove his commitment to the controversial union, less than a month after allegations of corruption and infiltration by bikers led to his early resignation. In a photo and video posted on social media, the words “GOD FORGIVES, THE CMFEU DOES NOT” are tattooed on Mr … Read more

Nature Positive: Tanya Plibersek in talks with coalition and Greens about controversial federal environmental protection law

The coalition has not ruled out a deal with Labor to create a slimmed-down Environmental Protection Agency, while big business is pushing the major parties to join forces to outmaneuver the Greens and their push for a so-called climate trigger. The West has confirmed that Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek is talking to the opposition and … Read more