Scared Aunt: Help! Everyone seems to think it's acceptable to tell me I look miserable. How do I react?

Dear aunt, I need some advice. I feel embarrassed and hurt when people say to me, “Smile” or “Why do you look so miserable?” or “You look so sad.” I often do these when I'm completely content, having fun or being happy and sociable. I can't help it if I have a spaniel face or … Read more

Fear Aunt: How do we control an unruly resident of our lifestyle village?

Dear Aunt, I live in a lifestyle village and we are a community of mostly friendly, neighbourly people. However, we have a problem with a resident who is constantly feeding the birds and ducks on the oval adjacent to the village. When the rest of us walk our dogs, they eat the leftover food and … Read more

Aunt with fear: Our friend is giving us expired products for Christmas, what should we do about it?

Dear Aunt, I hope you agree that it is never too early to talk about Christmas topics. We have a friend who is as gregarious and glamorous as you and would have made a wonderful cancan dancer, but I'm sure that's where the similarities end. At Christmas she gifts us with lots of presents, most … Read more

Fearful Aunt: Should I change my behavior and accept things like the cashless system, even if I don't want to?

Dear Aunt, Younger people increasingly accuse me of living in the past. Some of the reasons for this are that although I have a bank card, I still use cash and like to have notes in my wallet and coins in my pocket. I insist on speaking to bank tellers who I can talk to. … Read more